The legal right of a person to a healthy environment is guaranteed The Constitution and The Law on the Protection of Atmospheric Air, but in reality, there are cases when the environmental safety of residential areas adjacent to
to industrial enterprises, not observed.

To solve the problem It is possible to neutralize harmful emissions into the atmosphere with the help of ventilation air purification units. Their presence should become a mandatory rule for the operation of technological equipment.

For the correct selection of equipment, fill in опросный лист.

Efficiency of ventilation air purification from: triethylamine, phenol, formaldehyde, furfuryl alcohol, furfural is 96-99,9%; isocyanates, methanol, cyanide, mineral spirits, xylene, toluene, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, acrolein, ammonia - 70-96%; resinous inclusions, spray aerosols and suspended solids - 99.9%.


UE “Industrial Ecological Systems” was established at the Academic Department of Ecology of the Belarusian National Technical University in 1994 for the purpose of academic activity improvement and development of scientific research in the area of environmental protection. The enterprise consisted of employees, who had previously worked at the Laboratory of Gas Emissions Purification at the Foundries of the Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Machinery Industry of USSR.

The enterprise develops, produces and conducts adjustment work of absorptive-biochemical installations (ABCI) for ventilation air purification from harmful organic substances.

The selection and development of gas cleaning technology and devices was preceded by many years of research work, reflected in reports and guidance documents. The design of the gas cleaning system devices is constantly being improved. Engineering solutions are protected by copyright certificates and patents. By the aggregate indicator: efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness, reliability, ease of maintenance, service life (more than 25 years) without reducing performance, – ABCI has no analogues in the CIS. At the moment (February 2021), more than 130 plants at 59 enterprises of the CIS countries are in constant operation. More than 40 million meters are cleared per day in ABCI3 ventilation air.

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