Absorption and biochemical installation (ABCI). Implementation at CJSC "Hydrogas" Voronezh, Russia.
Завод «Гидрогаз» сегодня — это одно из крупнейших предприятий химического машиностроения России.
On December 20, 2014, CJSC "Hydrogas" launched a modern specialized production for the production of castings from carbon, low-alloy, corrosion-resistant steels, gray and high-strength cast iron, with a mass of castings from 1.5 to 700 kg. At the enterprise, the molding of castings takes place using cold-hardening mixtures (alpha-set process) on the basis of an automated molding line.
As practice has shown, the vent air removed from the filled forms with rods made according to the ALPHASET process contains phenol, formaldehyde, isopropyl alcohol and has an extremely unpleasant smell. To prevent harmful emissions into the atmosphere and to eliminate unpleasant odors, an absorption and biochemical unit (ABCI) has been put into commercial operation at CJSC Gidrogaz, which is designed to clean the vent air from the filled forms. The volume of vent air supplied for cleaning is 25-30 thousand meters.3/ h. The efficiency of cleaning the vent air is about 90 %.
The main components of the ABCI are: scrubber, bioreactor section, sludge collector section, fan, water pump, control cabinet, strapping. The circulation circuit of the absorption solution, the main component of which is industrial water, is closed and has no discharges to the environment. The regeneration of the solution is carried out as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, for which organic compounds (phenol, formaldehyde) serve as a source of nutrition.
The main components of the ABCI are: scrubber, bioreactor section, sludge collector section, fan, water pump, control cabinet, strapping. The circulation circuit of the absorption solution, the main component of which is industrial water, is closed and has no discharges to the environment. The regeneration of the solution is carried out as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, for which organic compounds (phenol, formaldehyde) serve as a source of nutrition.
The use of absorption and biochemical technology for cleaning ventilation emissions and effluents allows us to successfully solve environmental problems.